30 years after Sarajevo 1984
Posted by
Brano on Apr 11, 2014 |
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Sarajevo, November 1st, 1981.
The University Computer Center – SRCE from Zagreb, established a team of 18 experts who started on design and projects of the computer system for ISOS – Computing System of the Sarajevo Olympic Games, on November 1,1981.
Games were operated by 296 operators, high school students and students of Sarajevo University. 52 persons worked on distribution of results lists. 32 professionals from the team were in charge of effectuating the operation, with the aid of 43 data processing professionals all over Yugoslavia working as volunteers, 49 technicians, equipment manufacturers were in charge of the equipment maintenance.
(excerpts from Final Report, published by the Organizing Committee of the XIV Winter Olympic Games 1984 at Sarajevo)
Sarajevo, April 4th, 2014.
- Technology Team reunion. After 30 years, thanks to Boris who organized it, we met again.
- For lot of us it was the first Olympics, for some of us the last one, but lot of us continue to work for Sport, for Sport events, for Sport organizations.
- It was amazing to meet some people after 30 years. I some cases recognition took longer, but we spent two days together, taking, remembering days we spent together.
- Unfortunately, some of us are no longer with us, we remember them all: Vesko, Boriša, Tomo, Pipi, Tonko, Runje, Vlado, Nino
- Attendees: Boris, Mladen, Šaba, Žika, Mašo, Božo, Sead, Giorgio, Braco, Brano, Kemo, Bango, Katica, Libor, Amir, Nuno, Zlatan, Azur, Čiča, Sajka, Aćko, Stjenka.
- Dear guests: Ahmed, Goran.
- For the friends who couldn’t make it: “Bilo je lijepo u Sarajevu“.
Tags: Friends, Olympics